Thank you all for attending the Workday Time Entry training session. We hope it was a good introduction to entering in your own time on Workday.
Please complete this survey so we are able to account for your participation and report to HRP - https://forms.gle/ffx7AgEf8F8ibodi7
Time entry in Workday begins on June 16. Until then, please continue to enter your time in D-Time.
We suggest downloading the Workday mobile app to your phone and to look over your personal data already on Workday. Click here for instructions for the mobile app.
Below are the resources, links, and videos mentioned in the training.
Video: Time Entry Tips & Tricks (This was the video shown in our training presentation.)
Video: Basic Time Entry Demo
Video: Workday Time Entry Roadshow
Human Resources & Payroll Project (HRP) Website - Provides an overview of HRP, project history, breakdown of Phase 1 and Phase 2, links to training materials, and will be continually updated as more information is published.
Instructional Resource Document - All departments can find step by step instruction on Phase 2 Workday functionalities for employees, manager, timekeepers, HR and Dept. Payroll Liaisons (DPL).
To practice time entry on your own, use Workday LA8 and login as yourself using your lacity google ID, the same one you use to access Workday. It is a practice site that staff can use to become familiar with Workday. If you are having issues accessing the practice site, please contact hrp@lacity.org.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Thank you again for your time!